CNN 互動英語 2023 年 4 月號 No.271 【有聲版】

Download CNN 互動英語 2023 年 4 月號 No.271 【有聲版】 PDF Online Free

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Release : 2023-04-01
Genre : Foreign Language Study
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Book Rating : /5 ( reviews)

CNN 互動英語 2023 年 4 月號 No.271 【有聲版】 - read free eBook in online reader or directly download on the web page. Select files or add your book in reader. Download and read online ebook CNN 互動英語 2023 年 4 月號 No.271 【有聲版】 write by LiveABC編輯群. This book was released on 2023-04-01. CNN 互動英語 2023 年 4 月號 No.271 【有聲版】 available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. 專題報導 Almost Human? 聊天機器人ChatGPT 撼動人工智慧界 AI Program Can Write Stories, Debate and Much More 2022年11月開放大眾使用的AI聊天機器人ChatGPT掀起風潮,上線兩個月就擁有1億註冊用戶,其高度真實的自然語言生成技術引起廣泛關注和探討。 專題報導 Meet Your Robot Coworker AI職場大革命 你的工作會被機器人取代嗎? AI Spells Doom for Some Jobs and New Hope for Others 人工智慧的快速發展正在改變職場生態,有些工作將被機器人取代,但新的機會也應運而生。 社會 Coping with Catastrophe 天搖地動!土耳其、敘利亞遭逢百年大地震 Limited Aid and Poor Infrastructure Hamper Syrian Earthquake Relief Efforts 2月6日凌晨,土耳其南部發生芮氏規模7.8的強震及多起餘震,為土耳其及鄰國敘利亞帶來嚴重災情。當地複雜的政治形勢更使得救災困難重重。 保健 A New Lease on Life FDA核准新藥 為初期阿茲海默症患者帶來曙光 A Glimmer of Hope for Early Alzheimer’s Patients 美國食藥局核准了一種適用於早期阿茲海默症的新藥「侖卡奈單抗」,可延緩病程,為該病病患和家屬帶來新希望。 科學 A Cosmic Year 回顧2022年太空探索大事記 Checking Out 2022’s Top 10 Achievements in Space Exploration CNN回顧去年一年的太空發展里程碑:史上首支全民間太空人團隊進入國際太空站、SpaceX星鏈衛星改變烏俄戰爭情勢、NASA順利完成行星防禦任務並展開重返月球的阿提米絲計畫,為未來太空探索鋪路。 商業 The Pursuit of Vanity 行動詩句──用自選車牌展現個人風格 Personal Expression Can Come at a High Price with Hong Kong’s Car Plate Trend 個人化車牌近年在香港蔚為風潮,車主可藉由選擇特定的字母和數字表達自己的風格和人生哲學,特殊的車牌也成了街上有趣的風景。 社會 The TikTok Effect 抖音對Z世代造成的潛在危機 Understanding the Video-Sharing App’s Impact on Gen Z 抖音已成為Z世代日常不可或缺的一部分,不過生活被社群媒體主宰可能會對人們的身心健康和社會價值觀帶來負面影響,需要大眾關注。 科技 Eccentric Electronics 2023消費電子展的奇特科技小物 The Forefront of Innovation and Technology at CES 2023 本文介紹一些在2023消費電子展中超吸睛的奇特科技小物,包括飛天看家攝影機、靜語麥克風、療癒咬咬貓玩偶等。 娛樂 Spare the Details 哈利王子出版回憶錄 王室恩怨再掀波瀾 Prince Harry’s Bestseller Causes a Rift in the Royal Family 英國哈利王子的回憶錄在全球熱賣,書中揭露王室內幕及自己的心路歷程。王室對哈利的爆料則依舊選擇冷處理,靜待風波平息。 旅遊 When Fins Catch Air 走過路過別錯過──西雅圖派克市場丟魚秀 The Famous Fish Toss in Seattle’s Pike Place Market Becomes an Attraction 西雅圖的派克市場是聞名全球的旅遊景點,當中最有代表性的就是丟魚秀了。CNN記者與市場老闆聊聊這個有趣習俗的由來。 焦點話題 CNN 全球瞭望 Egg Shortage Causes a Price Surge 美國雞蛋短缺造成價格飆漲 LeBron James Now the Top Scorer in NBA History 雷霸龍.詹姆斯成為NBA史上得分王 Frozen Food Named Japan’s 2022 Dish of the Year 冷凍食品獲選為日本2022年度料理 全方位理解CNN President Biden Delivers the State of the Union Address 拜登總統發表國情咨文演說 關注國內重大議題 新聞片語通 CNN主編教你唸 汽車種類 單字聯想地圖 交通英語

Live互動英語 2023 年 11 月號 No.271 【有聲版】

Download Live互動英語 2023 年 11 月號 No.271 【有聲版】 PDF Online Free

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Release : 2023-11-01
Genre : Study Aids
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Book Rating : /5 ( reviews)

Live互動英語 2023 年 11 月號 No.271 【有聲版】 - read free eBook in online reader or directly download on the web page. Select files or add your book in reader. Download and read online ebook Live互動英語 2023 年 11 月號 No.271 【有聲版】 write by LiveABC編輯群. This book was released on 2023-11-01. Live互動英語 2023 年 11 月號 No.271 【有聲版】 available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. 4 Live關鍵時事新聞 9 焦點話題 10 大師名作選 The Cop and the Anthem 〈警察與讚美詩〉 14 食物歷史 The Wonderful World of Pancakes 煎餅的奇妙世界 18 英語聽力測驗1 19 主題式會話 A Day at the Zoo 動物園一日遊 22 焦點人物 Austin Butler's Unexpected Hollywood Journey 奧斯汀.巴特勒:意想不到的好萊塢之旅 26 旅遊好去處 Seoul Searching: Discover the Capital of South Korea 尋訪首爾:探索南韓首都之美 30 克漏字 Man Breaks World Record by Living Underwater for 100 Days 男子在水下生活百日破世界紀錄 32 藝文天地 Creating Collages: From Scissors to Screens 創作拼貼:從剪刀到大銀幕 36 動物趣聞 A Brief Introduction to Poisonous Birds 認識有毒的鳥類 40 生活情境對話 Going on a Hike 爬山健行去! 43 英語聽力測驗2 44 閱讀素養專欄 Money Management: What They Don't Teach You in School 金錢管理:學校沒教的事 47 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 50 發現臺灣 Pieces of the Past: The Museum of Old Taiwan Tiles 重現往日風情:台灣花磚博物館 52 文化萬花筒 Making the Grade 各國祈求考運亨通的習俗 56 生物科學素養 UV Light—the Invisible Germ Killer! 紫外線——無形的殺菌高手! 59 唱歌學英語 60 全民英檢中級模擬閱讀試題 62 電影快報 63 看預告片學英文 64 中文翻譯與解答 71 全民英檢中級模擬試題解答 77 單字卡

CNN 互動英語 2023 年 5 月號 No.272 【有聲版】

Download CNN 互動英語 2023 年 5 月號 No.272 【有聲版】 PDF Online Free

Author :
Release : 2023-05-01
Genre : Foreign Language Study
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Book Rating : /5 ( reviews)

CNN 互動英語 2023 年 5 月號 No.272 【有聲版】 - read free eBook in online reader or directly download on the web page. Select files or add your book in reader. Download and read online ebook CNN 互動英語 2023 年 5 月號 No.272 【有聲版】 write by LiveABC編輯群. This book was released on 2023-05-01. CNN 互動英語 2023 年 5 月號 No.272 【有聲版】 available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. 科技 AI Reveals Its Dark Side 發脾氣、狂示愛──AI 聊天機器人展現黑暗面 Disturbing Reponses from the New Bing Chatbot Raise Eyebrows 微軟搶搭ChatGPT人工智慧熱潮,在自家新一代搜尋引擎Bing加入聊天機器人功能,但記者實測時竟引出了AI的黑暗面,令人不寒而慄。 人物 Women Are Superheroes CNN 專訪奧斯卡首位亞裔影后楊紫瓊 Michelle Yeoh on Breaking Out of Hollywood’s Gender Box 楊紫瓊以電影《媽的多重宇宙》中王秀蓮一角成為奧斯卡史上第一位亞裔影后,她接受CNN專訪,暢談接演該片的心路歷程。 商業 When Crypto Goes Boom NFT 價格大起大落 名人遭控炒作 Celebrities May Be Dragged to Court for Endorsing Famed NFTs 無聊猿NFT在近兩年掀起熱潮,儼然成為一種身分象徵,不過隨著加密貨幣退燒、NFT價格暴跌,多位曾為無聊猿宣傳的名人也因被控炒作而面臨集體訴訟。 娛樂 BTS’s HYBE Man BTS 之父談韓流國際化經營之道 Richard Quest Sits Down with the Mastermind of K-Pop 打造出世界級韓流團體BTS的HYBE 娛樂公司老闆房時爀分享韓流發展的現況,以及眾多粉絲關心的BTS兵役問題。 科技 Smarter, Better, Faster 綠色運輸未來式──高速減碳超迴路列車 Hyperloop Technology May Be the Future of Sustainable Transportation 超迴路列車具有超高速、低耗能的特性,且造價較低,勢將為未來運輸帶來一波新革命。 商業 Bizarrely Big Business 當披薩遇上豬血糕 台灣必勝客奇異口味闖出一片藍海 Pizza Hut Taiwan Stays Ahead of the Curve with Unusual New Flavors 台灣必勝客推出香菜皮蛋豬血糕披薩、鹽酥雞披薩、肉圓披薩等新奇的限量版口味,並以網路社群口碑行銷,在新冠疫情期間逆勢成長。 環境 American Dust Bowl: Part 2 美國大鹽湖縮水中 恐釀有毒沙塵暴 Scientists Warn of Ecological Disaster as Great Salt Lake Shrinks 美國大鹽湖由於數十年的過度開發及日益加劇的氣候變遷,水量不斷縮減,科學家擔心淤積於湖底的重金屬會化作有毒沙塵,帶來另一場生態浩劫。 藝文 Light and Shadow 《戴珍珠耳環的少女》 17世紀光影大師維梅爾特展 World’s Most Complete Vermeer Collection on Display in Amsterdam 荷蘭國家博物館展出有史以來最完整的維梅爾特展,囊括28幅畫家真跡,帶領觀眾進入《戴珍珠耳環的少女》、《倒牛奶的女僕》等名作的光影世界。 保健 Keeping the Doctor Away 每週運動多久最健康?研究大解密 Ten-Year Study Finds Moderate Daily Exercise Extends Lives 一項為期十年的研究發現,運動可有效降低死亡、心臟疾病,甚至癌症的風險,且就算只是每週75分鐘的運動,對健康也有不小的益處。 科學 An Alien Ocean 尋找太空生命 探測器前進木星衛星歐羅巴 Probes Will Explore Jupiter’s Mysterious Moon Europa 科學界認為木星衛星歐羅巴的外殼下有水源存在,使人好奇是否可能有蘊含生命的證據。歐洲太空總署和美國太空總署將派遣探測器探勘。 焦點話題 CNN 全球瞭望 Panic Begins to Build as Large Banks Fail 矽谷銀行破產引發美國民眾恐慌 UAE Sends Its First Astronaut on a Long-Term Mission 首位阿聯太空人執行長期任務 Prince Harry and Meghan Are Evicted from Their London Residence 哈利王子和梅根被逐出倫敦住所 談天說地話英文 全方位理解CNN Hogwarts’ Controversial Legacy 哈利波特電玩遊戲上市 J.K. 羅琳過往言論惹議 新聞片語通 CNN主編教你唸 台灣小吃 單字聯想地圖 逛夜市


Download Vanderbilt PDF Online Free

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Release : 2021-09-21
Genre : Biography & Autobiography
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Book Rating : 64X/5 ( reviews)

Vanderbilt - read free eBook in online reader or directly download on the web page. Select files or add your book in reader. Download and read online ebook Vanderbilt write by Anderson Cooper. This book was released on 2021-09-21. Vanderbilt available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. New York Times bestselling author and journalist Anderson Cooper teams with New York Times bestselling historian and novelist Katherine Howe to chronicle the rise and fall of a legendary American dynasty—his mother’s family, the Vanderbilts. One of the Washington Post's Notable Works of Nonfiction of 2021 When eleven-year-old Cornelius Vanderbilt began to work on his father’s small boat ferrying supplies in New York Harbor at the beginning of the nineteenth century, no one could have imagined that one day he would, through ruthlessness, cunning, and a pathological desire for money, build two empires—one in shipping and another in railroads—that would make him the richest man in America. His staggering fortune was fought over by his heirs after his death in 1877, sowing familial discord that would never fully heal. Though his son Billy doubled the money left by “the Commodore,” subsequent generations competed to find new and ever more extraordinary ways of spending it. By 2018, when the last Vanderbilt was forced out of The Breakers—the seventy-room summer estate in Newport, Rhode Island, that Cornelius’s grandson and namesake had built—the family would have been unrecognizable to the tycoon who started it all. Now, the Commodore’s great-great-great-grandson Anderson Cooper, joins with historian Katherine Howe to explore the story of his legendary family and their outsized influence. Cooper and Howe breathe life into the ancestors who built the family’s empire, basked in the Commodore’s wealth, hosted lavish galas, and became synonymous with unfettered American capitalism and high society. Moving from the hardscrabble wharves of old Manhattan to the lavish drawing rooms of Gilded Age Fifth Avenue, from the ornate summer palaces of Newport to the courts of Europe, and all the way to modern-day New York, Cooper and Howe wryly recount the triumphs and tragedies of an American dynasty unlike any other. Written with a unique insider’s viewpoint, this is a rollicking, quintessentially American history as remarkable as the family it so vividly captures.

Inclusive Socratic Teaching

Download Inclusive Socratic Teaching PDF Online Free

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Release : 2024-06-04
Genre : Education
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Book Rating : 725/5 ( reviews)

Inclusive Socratic Teaching - read free eBook in online reader or directly download on the web page. Select files or add your book in reader. Download and read online ebook Inclusive Socratic Teaching write by Jamie R. Abrams. This book was released on 2024-06-04. Inclusive Socratic Teaching available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. For more than fifty years, scholars have documented and critiqued the marginalizing effects of the Socratic teaching techniques that dominate law school classrooms. In spite of this, law school budgets, staffing models, and course requirements still center Socratic classrooms as the curricular core of legal education. In this clear-eyed book, law professor Jamie R. Abrams catalogs both the harms of the Socratic method and the deteriorating well-being of modern law students and lawyers, concluding that there is nothing to lose and so much to gain by reimagining Socratic teaching. Recognizing that these traditional classrooms are still necessary sites to fortify and catalyze other innovations and values in legal education, Inclusive Socratic Teaching provides concrete tips and strategies to dismantle the autocratic power and inequality that so often characterize these classrooms. A galvanizing call to action, this hands-on guide equips educators and administrators with an inclusive teaching model that reframes the Socratic classroom around teaching techniques that are student centered, skills centered, client centered, and community centered.