Environment, Power, and Society for the Twenty-First Century

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Release : 2007-06-08
Genre : Science
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Book Rating : 931/5 ( reviews)

Environment, Power, and Society for the Twenty-First Century - read free eBook in online reader or directly download on the web page. Select files or add your book in reader. Download and read online ebook Environment, Power, and Society for the Twenty-First Century write by Howard T. Odum. This book was released on 2007-06-08. Environment, Power, and Society for the Twenty-First Century available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Howard T. Odum possessed one of the most innovative minds of the twentieth century. He pioneered the fields of ecological engineering, ecological economics, and environmental accounting, working throughout his life to better understand the interrelationships of energy, environment, and society and their importance to the well-being of humanity and the planet. This volume is a major modernization of Odum's classic work on the significance of power and its role in society, bringing his approach and insight to a whole new generation of students and scholars. For this edition Odum refines his original theories and introduces two new measures: emergy and transformity. These concepts can be used to evaluate and compare systems and their transformation and use of resources by accounting for all the energies and materials that flow in and out and expressing them in equivalent ability to do work. Natural energies such as solar radiation and the cycling of water, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen are diagrammed in terms of energy and emergy flow. Through this method Odum reveals the similarities between human economic and social systems and the ecosystems of the natural world. In the process, we discover that our survival and prosperity are regulated as much by the laws of energetics as are systems of the physical and chemical world.

Environment, Power, and Society

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Author :
Release : 1970
Genre : Ecology
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Book Rating : /5 ( reviews)

Environment, Power, and Society - read free eBook in online reader or directly download on the web page. Select files or add your book in reader. Download and read online ebook Environment, Power, and Society write by Howard Thomas Odum. This book was released on 1970. Environment, Power, and Society available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle.

Japan in the 21st Century

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Release : 2010-09-12
Genre : Business & Economics
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Book Rating : 637/5 ( reviews)

Japan in the 21st Century - read free eBook in online reader or directly download on the web page. Select files or add your book in reader. Download and read online ebook Japan in the 21st Century write by Pradyumna Karan. This book was released on 2010-09-12. Japan in the 21st Century available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. The ancient civilization of Japan, with its Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, is also closely associated with all that is new and modern. Looking outward, Japan sees what it has become since Hiroshima: the world’s second-largest economy, a source of fury and wonder, a power without arms. Looking inward, Japan sees old ways shaken and new ones developing at a hectic pace. Japan in the Twenty-first Century offers compelling insights into the current realities of the country and investigates the crucial political, economic, demographic, and environmental challenges that face the nation. A combination of text, maps, and photographs provides an essential understanding of Japan’s geography, cultural heritage, demography, economic and political development, and of many other important issues. Pradyumna P. Karan explores the obstacles and opportunities that will shape Japan and affect the world community in the coming years. He highlights strategies and policies that will facilitate economic and political change and stimulate the development of effective institutions for long-term, sustainable prosperity and economic vitality. Unique field reports drawn from direct observations of events and places in Japan illuminate Japanese traditions and sensibilities. The first full-length English-language textbook on Japan’s geography, culture, politics, and economy to appear in nearly four decades, Japan in the Twenty-first Century will be a vital resource for researchers, academics, general readers, and students of Japan. Pradyumna P. Karan, professor of geography and Japan studies at the University of Kentucky, is the author or editor of numerous books on Asian geography and culture, including The Japanese City and Japan in the Bluegrass.

Environmental Engineering for the 21st Century

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Release : 2019-03-08
Genre : Technology & Engineering
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Book Rating : 550/5 ( reviews)

Environmental Engineering for the 21st Century - read free eBook in online reader or directly download on the web page. Select files or add your book in reader. Download and read online ebook Environmental Engineering for the 21st Century write by National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. This book was released on 2019-03-08. Environmental Engineering for the 21st Century available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Environmental engineers support the well-being of people and the planet in areas where the two intersect. Over the decades the field has improved countless lives through innovative systems for delivering water, treating waste, and preventing and remediating pollution in air, water, and soil. These achievements are a testament to the multidisciplinary, pragmatic, systems-oriented approach that characterizes environmental engineering. Environmental Engineering for the 21st Century: Addressing Grand Challenges outlines the crucial role for environmental engineers in this period of dramatic growth and change. The report identifies five pressing challenges of the 21st century that environmental engineers are uniquely poised to help advance: sustainably supply food, water, and energy; curb climate change and adapt to its impacts; design a future without pollution and waste; create efficient, healthy, resilient cities; and foster informed decisions and actions.

Life at Home in the Twenty-First Century

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Author :
Release : 2012-12-31
Genre : Social Science
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Book Rating : 900/5 ( reviews)

Life at Home in the Twenty-First Century - read free eBook in online reader or directly download on the web page. Select files or add your book in reader. Download and read online ebook Life at Home in the Twenty-First Century write by Jeanne E. Arnold. This book was released on 2012-12-31. Life at Home in the Twenty-First Century available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Winner of the 2014 John Collier Jr. Award Winner of the Jo Anne Stolaroff Cotsen Prize Life at Home in the Twenty-First Century cross-cuts the ranks of important books on social history, consumerism, contemporary culture, the meaning of material culture, domestic architecture, and household ethnoarchaeology. It is a distant cousin of Material World and Hungry Planet in content and style, but represents a blend of rigorous science and photography that these books can claim. Using archaeological approaches to human material culture, this volume offers unprecedented access to the middle-class American home through the kaleidoscopic lens of no-limits photography and many kinds of never-before acquired data about how people actually live their lives at home. Based on a rigorous, nine-year project at UCLA, this book has appeal not only to scientists but also to all people who share intense curiosity about what goes on at home in their neighborhoods. Many who read the book will see their own lives mirrored in these pages and can reflect on how other people cope with their mountains of possessions and other daily challenges. Readers abroad will be equally fascinated by the contrasts between their own kinds of materialism and the typical American experience. The book will interest a range of designers, builders, and architects as well as scholars and students who research various facets of U.S. and global consumerism, cultural history, and economic history.