Healing Your Grieving Body - read free eBook in online reader or directly download on the web page. Select files or add your book in reader. Download and read online ebook Healing Your Grieving Body write by Alan D. Wolfelt. This book was released on 2009-12-01. Healing Your Grieving Body available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Acknowledging the unique set of symptoms that accompanies a period of mourning, this guide is the ideal companion to weathering the storm of physical distress. From muscle aches and pains to problems with eating and sleeping, this handbook addresses how the body responds to the impact of profound loss. Low energy, headaches, and other conditions are also taken into account. With 100 ways to help soothe the body and calm the mind, this compassionate study is an excellent resource in understanding the connection between the two.
The Journey Through Grief
The Journey Through Grief - read free eBook in online reader or directly download on the web page. Select files or add your book in reader. Download and read online ebook The Journey Through Grief write by Alan D. Wolfelt. This book was released on 2003-09-01. The Journey Through Grief available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. This spiritual companion for mourners affirms their need to mourn and invites them to journey through their very unique and personal grief. Detailed are the six needs that all mourners must yield to and eventually embrace if they are to go on to find continued meaning in life and living, including the need to remember the deceased loved one and the need for support from others. Short explanations of each mourning need are followed by brief, spiritual passages that, when read slowly and reflectively, help mourners work through their unique thoughts and feelings. Also included in this revised edition are journaling sections for mourners to write out their personal responses to each of the six needs. This replaces 1879651114.
Healing Your Holiday Grief
Healing Your Holiday Grief - read free eBook in online reader or directly download on the web page. Select files or add your book in reader. Download and read online ebook Healing Your Holiday Grief write by Alan D Wolfelt. This book was released on 2005-12-01. Healing Your Holiday Grief available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. With compassionate insight, this handbook helps those in mourning through what can be the hardest time of year—the holiday season. Mourners will better understand their complex emotions after reading about such topics as honoring thoughts and feelings, creating new traditions, finding ways to de-stress, and incorporating healing rituals into the holiday season. This book's practical wisdom also covers issues such as decision-making during the holidays and coping with the blending of mourning and celebration. All of the answers and advice in this guide are provided in the popular 100 ideas format that features one idea per page, allowing readers to fully absorb each suggestion.
Healing Grief at Work
Healing Grief at Work - read free eBook in online reader or directly download on the web page. Select files or add your book in reader. Download and read online ebook Healing Grief at Work write by Alan D. Wolfelt. This book was released on 2005-05-01. Healing Grief at Work available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. With a gentle and considerate style, this handbook explores what happens when grief and the workplace meet, and the drastic effects of grieving on employees, their performance, and the overall workplace environment. Touching on the different kinds of grief workers can experience, such as death, divorce, and layoffs, the effective ways to channel grief during the workday, how to support coworkers who mourn, participation in group memorials, and negotiating appropriate bereavement leave, this concise and practical resource gives both ideas for the mourner and the mourner's coworkers. A special introduction for employers, owners, managers, and human resource personnel addresses the economic impact of grief in the workplace and provides practical and cost effective ideas for maintaining morale and creating a productive yet compassionate work environment.
Healing Your Grieving Soul
Healing Your Grieving Soul - read free eBook in online reader or directly download on the web page. Select files or add your book in reader. Download and read online ebook Healing Your Grieving Soul write by Alan D. Wolfelt. This book was released on 2009-05-01. Healing Your Grieving Soul available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Following a helpful introduction about the role of spirituality in grief, this practical mourning guide suggests activities based on meditation, prayer, yoga, and contemplative solitude to help with feelings of despair. For mourners who suffer from anxiety, breathing exercises are recommended, and massage is suggested for those who experience fatigue. Each description of these practices offers a brief activity to try out before continuing to read.